Uniting Heaven and Earth
An Introduction to the Céile Dé Tradition
UPDATE (8 Jun 2013): This series has concluded. Please get in touch via the Inquiries form if you would like to be on the mailing list for future events.
Out of the wilderness and into an ancient Celtic settlement, a figure in undyed homespun walks with open hands, chanting a blessing of peace. So might a Céile Dé monk have appeared more than a thousand years ago. Today, with hands still open in gratitude, this ancient tradition continues to tell the story of the uniting of Heaven and Earth -- and to offer ways to live that story within our own hearts, as we embrace the love of Christ yet also listen to "the testament of the Earth", building on the wisdom of the ancient Druids.
This cycle of workshops introduces the Céile Dé tradition and its practices in four sessions, each of which includes chant, meditation, and teachings:
- Session 1 : Between Earth & Heaven
- Session 2: The Three Worlds
- Session 3: The Nine Heights (festivals) - Part I
- Session 4: The Nine Heights - Part II
Your teacher will be Sue Mosher, an ordained oide or teacher in the Céile Dé tradition.