Uniting Heaven & Earth: An Introduction to the Céile Dé Tradition

The earliest Celtic Christians dovetailed their spirituality with the pre-Christian lore from their native land, viewing their Druidic past as a “Celtic Old Testament”. This ancient path of the Céile Dé expresses the oldest continuous spiritual tradition of the Celtic countries as it seamlessly weaves together love of God, reverence for nature, and a deep desire to unite the two in Christ.

Paidirean or ​Céile Dé prayer beads

Paidirean or ​Céile Dé prayer beads

I have been following this contemplative tradition since 2009. It is with deep gratitude that I am now able to introduce it to others as an ordained oide, or teacher:

Uniting Heaven and Earth: An Introduction to the Céile Dé Tradition

Wednesday, June 20, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Washington National Cathedral, donations accepted. Download the flyer to get more information. 

If you would like to know more about this or future workshops or learn about on the Céile Dé group meeting in the Washington, DC, area, please drop me a line via the Contact page.